2020 Concert Season Announcement

The  Sydney Mozart Society is delighted to announce its 2020 concert season. Please save the six Friday night dates set out below. Our season brochure - with a membership application form - will be available shortly. We will let you know when single ticket sales for next year will commence.


           2020 season


We welcome back the Flinders Quartet with guest clarinettist Lloyd van’t Hoff  to open our season on 28 February and are very pleased to have the Tinalley Quartet performing for us for the first time to close the series on 30 October.  The Australian Haydn Ensemble  and Seraphim Trio return next year. The Australian World Orchestra Chamber Ensemble will present a concert on 21 August during the Orchestra’s Australian tour. Renowned Australian pianist and composer Ian Munro will join with cellist Howard Penny to perform a fascinating programme on 18 September.

To join in the 250th anniversary celebrations of Beethoven’s birth in 2020 we have made sure that a number of Beethoven’s great chamber works feature throughout the year.

It will be another series of six  fine concerts to look forward to. For concert details, artists and programmes, see our 2020 season page.

Best regards from,

Richard Coleman
Hon  President