Thank You Enigma Quartet

Through its concert series, festival appearances and creative collaborations with different performers and composers, the Enigma Quartet has established a reputation for fine technique and dynamic style. Their concert for Sydney Mozart Society on Friday 25 October 2019 lived up to expectations.

Their concert opened with a performance of Mozart's Second Prussian quartet that brought out the rich textures and vibrant themes of this joyous work. In Mendelssohn's complex  Op. 13 quartet their timing was perfect and their technique meticulous. Their final work was Smetana's quartet From My Life, performed with sensitivity and grace.  

Tony Burke  from ClassikON came to the concert and in his concert account wrote that  "...the quartet's playing was accurate, sensitive and evocative clearly benefitting from their length of time together. The audience was enthralled ..."

Steve Moffatt of the North Shore Times also enjoyed the concert, writing that the quartet "...impressed with their keen attention to detail, allowing the music to unfold naturally."

After the concert, Quartet violinist Marianne Edwards said "We feel very lucky to be able to perform such glorious quartet music." and the audience members no doubt  felt  very lucky to hear them!

These are our favourite photographs from the quartet's pre-concert rehearsal.



                                                             Enigma Quartet


                     1 Violin

                                                  Marianne Edwards, violin


                     2 violin smiling

                                                  Kerry Martin, violin



                                                  Elizabeth Woolnough, viola


                    cello upright 1

                                                           Rowena Macneish, cello


                    riley lee

The Quartet's friend and collaborator, shakuhachi master Riley Lee, visited the rehearsal and gave an impromptu performance for backstage staff. It was magic. 

The Quartet recently worked on a major concert and recording project with Riley called ‘Five Elements’, commissioning more than ten new works by Australian composers. The CD will be released shortly by ABC Classics.


                                          Photographs and text: Charmain Boyakovsky