There’s More to the AWO Than Performance

The musicians in our next concert are drawn from the ranks of the Australian World Orchestra (AWO), the orchestra that brings together successful Australian musicians from around the world. While the orchestra's performances are exceptional, there is another side to its contribution to Australian music. Whenever the orchestra convenes, its world-class musicians take part in programmes that focus on bringing the exhilaration and joy of music making to young people.

      AWO youth orchestra


The Orchestra’s Outreach Programme – an association the Regional Youth Orchestra (RYO) – brings classical music experiences to young people who don’t have opportunities to engage with professional musicians in their everyday lives.  Young musicians from regional areas will have the opportunity to travel to Sydney to be tutored by AWO professional players rehearse in a professional environment and perform in a private recital at the Sydney Opera House.

In September the AWO is planning to travel to India, where it will deliver an outreach programme to underprivileged children, introducing them to western classical instruments and music. The programme will feature master classes and a concert at the National Centre for Performing Arts in Mumbai, offering an invaluable experience to children who ordinarily would not have the chance to rehearse and perform at such a prestigious venue.

Simone Young AM has said that the “AWO is just the AYO with wrinkles!” In May the AWO will partner with the Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO) to offer master classes to these aspiring professional musicians. They’ll be able to workshop selected works with specialist attention by the AWO masters in rooms of the iconic Sydney Opera House. The AYO players will also be invited to attend AWO rehearsals to experience first-hand the energy and rigour that goes into rehearsing a world-class orchestra. This will not only enable the AYO Players to watch the world- renowned Maestro Riccardo Muti at work, but also help them develop their own techniques.

In addition, the AWO Academy, a professional development opportunity for young players, is held during each concert period. The AWO Academy offers young players a one-time place in the orchestra for a fully immersive touring orchestra experience; this is  an invaluable opportunity for emerging musicians. In 2018, Molly Collier-O’Boyle, a wonderfully talented young viola player will be the local AWO Academy musician.

By attending AWO performances or by being part of the AWO Supporter Programme,  we can all help the AWO to continue its work bringing the joy of music to the next generation of musicians and nurturing their talents.  Who knows? Perhaps one day some of those young musicians might be performing for Sydney Mozart Society!


      AWO Education Programmes


                                Photos: courtesy of the  Australian World Orchestra

                                Text: Charmain Boyakovsky