Concerts Recommence - March and April 2021

March and April concert dates

Welcome back to an exceptional series of concerts this year.

We look forward to seeing you at our opening concert with the Goldner String Quartet on Thursday 4th March at 8pm, and at our second concert with Daniel Herscovitch and Clemens Leske scheduled for Thursday 8 April.

Both concerts will be held at The Concourse in Chatswood and if you are a member you will receive your tickets directly in the mail.

Need more tickets?

Tickets can also be purchased now for these concerts through The Concourse by phone (02) 8075 8100 or online.

Because of the extra COVID procedures please allow plenty of time to get to The Concourse. The Concourse procedures have been sent to current members and are available on The Concourse website. Note, for example, that the Concourse still limits the capacity of the car park lift to 2 persons per trip.

Next concerts

Tickets for the other concerts will be available for purchase from late March. 


If you are not currently a member you can also come and join before the next Thursday’s concert.  It would speed up the process if you could complete and bring with you the membership application form in the brochure or downloaded here.

You can then either remit payment beforehand to the Society’s bank account (details of which are on the form) or bring a cheque or cash to the concert venue.

We look forward to seeing you at our future concerts!