Meet Clemens Leske

Meet Clemens Leske, who will be performing with Daniel Herscovitch in our concert for two pianos on Thursday 8 April at The Concourse Chatswood.

We eagerly await our second concert post-lockdown and the rare chance to hear music written for two pianos played by two fine Australian pianists.  Coincidentally, it is Clemens’ second concert back in front of an audience. His first was earlier this year with the Omega Ensemble - he is their principal pianist.


Introducing Clemens Leske
Clemens Leske and Daniel Herscovitch


Clemens has performed with the six Australian symphony orchestras and played at venues in Europe, the US, Singapore, New Zealand and China. He has appeared regularly with many leading Australian ensembles and at the Bang on a Can and Focus festivals of new music in New York City. Four CDs of solo piano works ranging from Chopin and Schumann to Kurtag and Duckworth will be released later this year.

Clemens has enjoyed a two piano collaboration with Daniel for a decade. Together they will treat us to a feast of the greatest music for two pianos. For the programme and other details click here.


Join us

To become a member of the Society for $132 and enjoy this and the remaining three concerts later this year, download a membership form here.

For additional information on membership or to request a brochure by mail, please telephone 9876 3815 or 9498 4700 OR contact us directly via email: