Thank You Australian String Quartet

Thank you to the Australian String Quartet for a superb concert on 5 October 2018.

The  audience members who braved heavy rain that night were rewarded with music that captured the grace of Scarlatti's sonata in D, the exquisite tenderness of Puccini’s Crisantemi, the elegance of Mozart's First Prussian string quartet and the deep emotions of Schubert’s Rosumunde  string quartet.  

Heath Auchinachie came along to review the concert for ClassikON. 'Gorgeous tone", "passionate flourishes" and "sense of freedom" were some of the terms he used to describe the performance . His overall assessment of the concert: "certainly one worth getting a little rain soaked." You can read Heath's complete review on the ClassikON website.



               ASQ on the night

              Australian String Quartet with guest 'cellist Blair Harris who replaced the
Quartet's regular 'cellist Sharon Grigoryan in this performance