Selby and Friends, What The Audience Said

There was a generosity of spirit in Friday night's concert. On stage were star performers, Kathryn Selby (piano) Andrew Haveron (violin) and Umberto Clerici ('cello) in a programme that gave each of them space to shine and to share their energy, intelligence and emotional insights. 

Their Mozart  sonata for violin and piano, K 378 was radiant and joyful, with finely crafted moments of quiet introspection. 

Their Rolla  duetto no 1  for violin and ‘cello was vibrant and great fun. 

Their Beethoven sonata for 'cello and piano op 102/2 was powerful, complex and compelling. The emotional depth reached by the ‘cello was profound. 

Their Arensky piano trio op 32 was an uplifting celebration of life and the power of music.

 andrew kathryn umberto

 We spoke to some of the audience members about the concert. This is what they said.


“The Arensky trio moved my Russian soul!” 

“What made the concert special for me was the performers each speaking in a  very personal and affable way about the works, their instruments and the composers. It made the music more meaningful for me. They’re talented musicians and came across as clever, delightful people.” 

“Excellent programme.” 

“At the close of the third movement in the Arensky trio, I heard a distinct audible sigh from  the entire audience. We all had the same reaction to the beauty of that moment!” 

“The Rolla duetto was a surprise. It’s a very showy piece. It would have been easy to play it in a trite superficial way. Haveron and Clerici kept their performance well controlled and structured with good timing and interaction. The result was lively interesting music, as well as dazzle.” 

“Wonderful Beethoven; so moving.”

Tony Burke, from ClassikON was at the concert. You can read his review Three Brilliant Performers on the ClassikON website.

Here are our favourite photos from the pre-concert rehearsal. 

Andrew Kathryn Umberto rehearsing



andrew rehearsing

Andrew Haveron with his 1757 Guadagnini violin


Umberto in Rehearsal 2

 Umberto Clerici with his brand new one month old 'cello



 A joyous Kathryn Selby performing on a Steinway 2011 Model D grand piano 


Andrew Kathy Narrow

 Andrew, Kathryn and 21st century lighting effects on an 18th century violin


                  Photos and text: Charmain Boyakovsky