Thank You Sophie and Kristian

Thank you Sophie Rowell and Kristian Chong for your brilliant performance of Mozart and Beethoven duo sonatas last night (Friday 28 August 2015). It was a truly memorable concert. It was like listening to a conversation between two eloquent people - full of high spirits, passion, affection, humanity, wisdom and profound joy. 

Here are some of our favourite photos from the night.


SR rehearsing

Sophie rehearsing


KC rehearsing 

 Kristian rehearsing


sr and KC performing

 Sophie and Kristian performing with brilliant rapport


 SR with handmade

Sophie is not just a fine violinist, she is a lovely raconteur. She spoke - often with amusing anecodotes - about her musical partnership with Kristian and the works they performed last night. 


SR and KC after the concert

Sophie and Kristian after the concert


 MC in the foyer

Martin Cooper, Artistic Director, Sydney Mozart Society, the creative mind behind the programme.


GG on stage

 Greg Ghavalas, from 2MBS FM Fine Music, who records our concerts for later broadcast


CC backstage

Callum, the PLC Performance Centre stage manager, who keeps everything in the Centre functioning for us.