Thank You Australian String Quartet

What can you say about an  Australian String Quartet performance that hasn't been said many times before - the beautiful ensemble paying, the masterful technique, the dynamic style, the nuanced interpretation, the effortless grace. Their performance for Sydney Mozart Society on Friday night was all that and so much more.

Their Haydn quartet op 42 was exquisite. Their Mozart "Third Prussian" quartet was complex and powerful. Their Ravel quartet in F was beguiling.

As an audience we must give a special thank you to Ulrike Klein and Ngeringa Arts. Last night we were the priviledged beneficiaries of their vision and generosity in providing a rare matched set of Guadagnini instruments for the exclusive use of the Australian String Quartet. In the superb acoustics of The Concourse Concert Hall and in the hands of virtuoso musicians, the sound of those instruments had a crystalline purity that was unforgettable.

Tony Burke from ClassikON came along to the concert. You can read his review  on the ClassikON website. 



        Australian String Quartet, The Concourse Concert Hall Chatswood, 14 October 2016

Dale Barltrop ASQ

Dale Barltrop playing a 1784 Guadagnini Violin, Turin

Francesca Hiew playing a 1748-49 Guadagnini Violin, Piacenza Francesca Hiew
Stephen King ASQ Stephen King playing a 1783 Guadagnini Viola, Turin

Sharon Draper playing a c.1743 Guadagnini Violoncello, Piacenza (with a c. 2016 pink lighting effect dancing on the Violoncello.Just beautiful!)


Sharon Draper


                                                                                 Photos and text: Charmain Boyakovsky