Meet the Goldner String Quartet

Launched in 1995 and still retaining all four founding members, the Goldner String Quartet celebrates its twentieth anniversary in 2015. It is Australia’s pre-eminent string quartet. Its members - Dene Olding (violin), Irina Morozova (viola), Julian Smiles (‘cello) and Dimity Hall (violin) - are well known to both Australian and international audiences through solo performances, recordings and their concurrent membership of the Australia Ensemble@UNSW.

We are privileged to have the Goldner String Quartet open our 2015 Concert Series on 6 March 2015 in the Concourse Theatre Chatswood. 

Irina cr K Saunders           
photograph: Keith Saunders
Tony Recsei, Sydney Mozart Society Vice-President, recently spoke with Irina Morozova about the Goldner String Quartet and its concert for the Society

SMS The Goldner String Quartet can celebrate its 20th Anniversary in 2015.  How do you feel about the forthcoming season?

IM This is a very exciting year for the Goldner Quartet. The Sydney Mozart Society concert will be very special as it opens our 20th anniversary national country-wide tour.  Our quartet is still with its original players.  I cannot believe I have known Julian and Dimity for half of my life.

SMS What is special about being part of this quartet?

IM The nice thing about quartet playing is there is so much we have not yet played.  And of the works we have played we can always find something new - new interpretation, phrasing, tempo or mood.

SMS How does quartet playing fit into the world of music?

IM Quartets provide a big repertoire to choose from. The most profound music written by composers is often their quartets. We have played five of Haydn’s quartets, ten of Mozart’s and all of Beethoven’s.

SMS You have chosen an interesting program, including a string quartet by Bruch.

IM Yes, the Bruch quartet is an engaging beautiful piece.  We will be recording it in England – there is no existing new recording of it.  A lot of pieces get forgotten.  Bruch was considered to be clinging onto the romantic era when other composers were going in other directions and nowadays it is just his violin concerto that is very popular. That work has become a staple of the violin repertory.  Among his works are two viola quintets, (These are for two violins, two violas and cello   Irina’s instrument is the viola.)

The Haydn work we are playing is one of his most wonderful ones.

The Mendelssohn is just gorgeous.