Arts Engagement and Longevity

It's the start of a New Year and you're probably thinking about New Year resolutions for 2020. Going to more concerts is a good one.

The British Medical Journal recently reported  an extensive 14 year study that found “receptive arts engagement could have a protective association with longevity in older adults." The study found that  all sorts of arts activities - including going to concerts - are likely to help you to live longer. 

The  authors acknowledge that there is already much published work about the positive neurophysiological changes induced by activities, including the arts, which enable “deep play” or “flow.”

So get that heart thumping, those synapses firing, those cognitive wheels turning and those joyous emotions soaring; treat yourself to more concerts in 2020 - you'll enjoy great music and could be improving your life expectancy at the same time!

An important issue raised by the study is the question of participation in and and access to cultural activities in childhood. The British Medical Journal commented that "Such engagement is important because if the arts have the power to add years to life and quality to life, then every child should be able to participate."

So another great resolution for 2020 is to put your support behind ensembles like the Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Omega Ensemble, the Flinders Quartet and others who have programmes to encourage music making among children  and young people (particularly those with limited access to cultural resources). The benefits of participation could be life long and a longer life.

                                                                                                                Charmain Boyakovsky 


          seated audience

                                                                               Concourse Audience, Photo: Serge Boyakovsky