Streeton Trio, What the Audience Said

Chamber music concerts are often regarded as sedate, refined affairs. But the very best performances - like the Streeton Trio’s performance last night (Friday 29 August 2014) - are never this. Their performance was exciting and exhilarating. Melodies soared into the air, to be deftly caught and returned with elegant flourishes. Notes and phrases, variations, ideas and emotions swirled across the stage in complex patterns, captivating the audience.

The Streeton Trio delivered a beautiful performance from the moment their sparkling Mozart trio began.  Their Beethoven trio was dark, mysterious and otherworldly. Their Haydn trio was exuberant. Their Brahms trio built a passionate and grand conclusion to the night.

Streeton Trio

We asked audience members to tell us their personal highlights from the concert. This is what they said.

“What was tonight’s highlight? That’s impossible to answer.  I enjoyed it all.”

“Lovely works made all the more enjoyable by the way the performers introduced the works and spoke about the things that were important to them in the music."

"The performers have beautiful control over their music; that’s the key to good harmony. Trés formidable!”

“ Really loved the Beethoven Ghost Trio The performance was spot-on musically and theatrically. It felt dark and gloomy, but strangely beautiful.”

“Exciting performance, wonderful musicianship."

"It was all terrific. I love the ‘cello, so Elena Cheah’s cello playing was my highlight. It was a fine performance, rich and sonorous, with beautiful clarity and evenness."

“The most impressive part of tonight’s music was the lovely blending of sounds. In chamber music I like listening to talented and confident individual performers who can blend together harmoniously in a group like this. They really do play as one.”

"I thought the trio were quite amazing and the music to match. I really liked the Mozart; but also the Beethoven and Brahms even though they were so different it seemed to me."

“Nice range of works, something for everyone. My favourite was the Brahms trio, very  intense  and dramatic."

These are our favourite photos from the night, taken as the Streeton Trio was rehearsing  before the concert. Even warming up, they have a  beautifully poised and elegant  stage presence.

 Benjamin Kopp 3

Emma Jardine and Benjamin Kopp

                                        Elena Cheah 3

                                       Elena Cheah