Sydney Mozart Society
Affiliated with the Mozarteum, Salzburg
Sydney Mozart Society brings you Mozart and much more from the 'Golden Age' of Chamber music.

Cancellation of August and September concerts
The uncertainty of the COVID crisis continues for live performances and on present information the Concourse venue will not be re-opening before 1 October at the earliest.
In these circumstances, I confirm that the concerts scheduled for 21 August (AWO Chamber Ensemble) and 18 September (Ian Munro and Howard Penny) are cancelled.
I previously indicated that we would like to try to reschedule as many concerts as possible to dates at the end of this year or early next year before our next year’s series commences. The ensembles are all keen to try to organise their availability and we have placed holds on certain dates with the Concourse.
At this stage would you put in your diaries the following tentative dates:
Friday 13 November 2020
Friday 15 January 2021
Friday 12 February 2021.
We will provide a further update before the end of September on whether the last concert scheduled for this year by the Tinalley Quartet on 30 October will be able to go ahead and also more definite information on rescheduling plans.
If the situation on the re-opening of concert halls has not changed by then and the season needs to be finally cancelled we will advise of arrangements to be put in place for refunds or options for credits towards next year.
I know everyone appreciates that nothing is certain at present but in the interests of both of our members and equally our ensembles we would like to keep the options open for as long as possible. As previously mentioned, please retain all your 2020 tickets as these will be needed for entry to rescheduled events.
Our 2021 series will commence on Friday 5 March 2021. We are working towards providing members with full information on the season’s dates and ensembles by September/October. Many of the details are already in place but we will wait until all arrangements are concluded before announcing the season.
In the meantime, I hope that you, our loyal members, are keeping well and look forward very much to the first Friday evening when we will next be together at the Concourse Concert Hall to appreciate the live performance of fine chamber music.
With best regards to you all,
Richard Coleman
Hon President
Posted on Saturday, 8 August 2020 at 5pm
Society News
- 2025 Concert Season Details
- 2025 Season
- 2024 Season
- "A great concert" - and a chance to enjoy it again
- Thank you, Seraphim Trio
- Thank you Flinders Quartet
- Thank you Frank Celata and Friends
- Concert details for Nov and Dec 2021
- Meet Daniel Herscovitch
- Meet Clemens Leske
- 2021 Concert Season Details
- Concerts Recommence - March and April 2021
- Cancellation of August and September concerts
- Postponement of April and May Concerts
- Meet Lloyd Van't Hoff
- Flinders Quartet, Shaping a Vibrant Music Future
- Beethoven, Out of This World
- Arts Engagement and Longevity
- A Message from the President
- Thank You Enigma Quartet
- Thank You Sophie and Kristian
- 2020 Concert Season Announcement
- Thank You Sydney Soloists
- Spotlight on Ernö Dohnányi
- Thank You Selby & Friends
- Seven Things To Know About The Seven Variations
- Thank You Goldner String Quartet
- Arthur Edward Smith, an Inspiring Life
- Thank You Australia Piano Quartet
- Music, Technology and Inclusion
- The Violins of 2018
- Thank You Streeton Trio
- Thank You Australian String Quartet
- Our New Patron - Dene Olding AM
- Thank You Australian Haydn Ensemble
- Just Announced - Our 2019 Concert Season
- Spotlight on The Australian Haydn Ensemble
- Thank You Seraphim Trio
- Seraphim Trio - Life Lessons from Music
- Spotlight on Ravel's Piano Trio in A Minor M 67
- Thank you AWO Chamber Ensemble
- There’s More to the AWO Than Performance
- Spotlight on the Brahms Clarinet Quintet
- Mozart's Irish Connection
- Thank You Flinders Quartet
- Mozart's Valentine
- Flinders Quartet Emerging Composers Project
- Thank You Enigma Quartet
- Thank You Southern Cross Soloists
- Thank You Duncan, Susan and Sue-Ellen
- The Magnificent Seven
- Spotlight on Beethoven's Septet
- Thank You Australia Piano Quartet
- The Remarkable Life of Richard Goldner
- Thank You Australian String Quartet
- A Winning Performance from the Verbrugghen Ensemble
- Meet Bridget O'Donnell
- Meet the Verbrugghen Ensemble
- Streeton Trio, What the Audience Said
- Selby and Friends, What The Audience Said
- Flinders Quartet, What the Audience Said
- Meet Zoe Knighton and the Flinders Quartet
- Seraphim Trio, What the Audience Said
- Meet Timothy Nankervis
- Thank You Selby and Friends
- Meet Helena Rathbone
- Meet Brenda Jones and the Shigeru Kawai
- Thank You Sophie and Kristian
- Meet Kristian Chong
- The Beautiful 'Cello
- Mozart and Friends, What the Audience Said
- Meet Peter Jenkin
- Sydney Soloists and Enigma Quartet, What the Audience Said
- Meet Marianne Broadfoot and the Enigma Quartet
- Goldner String Quartet, What the Audience Said
- Meet the Goldner String Quartet
- Southern Cross Soloists, What the Audience Said
- Meet Tania Frazer, Southern Cross Soloists
- Streeton Trio, What the Audience Said
- Chanterelle String Quartet, What the Audience Said
- Sydney Soloists, What the Audience Said
- Meet Julie Simonds
- Australian String Quartet
- Meet Penelope Mills
- Australia Ensemble, a Rich Musical History
- Meet Irina Morozova
- Meet Francesco Celata
- Meet Selby and Friends
- Meet the Diemen Quartet
- Remembering Razumovsky