Mozart and Friends, What the Audience Said

The old cliché ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ was proven right by last night’s concert.  In the weeks leading up to Friday 31 July 2015, there were quite a few dark clouds hovering over the concert causing changes to the performer line-up and the programme. But the result was pure, luminous, shimmering silver! We could not have wished for better performers or a lovelier programme.

On stage we had four of Australia’s leading musicians: Phillip Shovk (piano), Peter Jenkin (clarinet), Teije Hylkema (‘cello) and Tony Gault (viola).  Their performance of the Beethoven Gassenhauer trio and the Mozart Kegelstatt trio was masterful. We also welcomed two young and talented singers to our stage: Imogen-Faith Malfitano (soprano) and Joshua Oxley (tenor). They performed songs by Beethoven, Schubert and Mozart with flair and panache.

We spoke to some of our audience members. This is what they said.

‘A wonderful concert, as always.’

‘The soprano (Imogen- Faith Malfitano) was amazing.’

‘The two trios were excellent. Only top-rate musicians can deliver such elegant performances. No fancy stuff; just pure, perfect music.’

 ‘Phillip Shovk was outstanding. He was onstage all night, switching effortlessly between composers and genres.’

 I enjoyed the singers; they ‘re very talented.’

'There was lots of clarinet in this concert, and I loved it. He (Peter Jenkin) has a silky, beguiling sound.'

‘Thanks for the surprise addition of a tenor (Joshua Oxley) to tonight’s programme; on balance a very nice performance.’

 ‘The ‘cellist (Teije Hylkema) was only on the stage for one work, but he made a big impression.  Why?  Hard to describe. His playing had a lot of mellowness and warmth.’

These are our favourite rehearsal photos.

imogen and Josh

Joshua Oxley and Imogen-Faith Malfitano



Teije Hylkema, Principal Cello, Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra



 Peter Jenkin, Principal Clarinet, Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra



 Joshua Oxley in the magical neon blue light backstage in the PLC Performance Centre



 Imogen-Faith Malfitano



Phillip Shovk, Yerim Lee,  Peter Jenkin and Tony Gault after a beautiful performance of Mozart's Kegelstatt Trio. We have to say a special thank-you to Yerim. As page turner, she was on stage all night, following every note from the piano and anticipating the pianist's needs. That takes musical knowledge and focus; she did a great job.


                                           Text and Photos: Charmain Boyakovsky