Streeton Trio, What the Audience Said

Ben Kopp described the programme for last night's concert as a 'spiritual journey'. It began in the innocent joyous world of Mozart, moved through the intense emotions of Rachmaninov, contemplated mortality with Pärt then reached the transcendence of Mendelssohn. It was beautiful and uplifting music.

The Streeton Trio with guest Julian Smiles performed Mozart's Trio K 496 with poise and flawless technique. Their Rachmaninov Trio élégiaque no 1 was solemn and powerful.  Their Pärt Adagio had a hushed intimacy that was deeply moving. Their Mendelssohn Trio op 66 captured the emotional complexity of the human condition.


Streeton Trio in Foyer


We spoke to some of the audience members. This is what they said about the concert.

"The Mozart work was sublime."

"I know a performance like that takes a lot of work, but they made it look natural and easy."


"Lovely work by the trio to communicate the turbulence of  Rachmaninov."

"It's always good to hear something new - for me anyway. Tonight it was the Pärt Adagio. I liked the tenderness in it."

"The Mendelssohn was outstanding; it makes big demands emotionally and technically on the performers. I have to buy their Mendelssohn CD!"

Tony Burke from ClassikON was in Friday night's audience. You can read his review on the ClassikON website.

While the Trio members rehearsed, our photographer caught some moments that show their grace, intelligence and focus.

  Streeton Trio Julian Smiles Rehearsal

           Streeton Trio rehearsing on the stage of the Concourse Concert Hall, Chatswood


Ben 3

                                                       Ben Kopp   


Emma 5

                                                        Emma Jardine 


julian smiles 2

                                                    Julian Smiles


                                 Text and Photos: Charmain Boyakovsky