"A great concert" - and a chance to enjoy it again

"A great concert, fully appreciated by a receptive audience..."

That's the verdit of ClassikON Ambassador Tony Burke, who attended our second concert this season on Friday 14 April at the Concourse Concert Hall.

Daniel Herscovitch (on right in image below) and Clemens Leske were the two fine pianists who "played faultlessly and with great empathy..."  

2 Herscovitch and Leske Next concert


Read Tony's review here.

If that makes you feel like you'd like to see the concert again - or for the first time if you couldn't attend on the evening - you are in luck.

Enjoy the performance on Thursday night (20 April) at 8pm in the comfort of the Australian Digital Concert Hall (streamed from the Concourse Concert Hall).  Digital tickets cost $24 and come with 72-hour viewing starting from the morning after the concert.

Buy your tickets here. 

Sydney Mozart Society has partnered with the Australian Digital Concert Hall to live stream our concerts this year.