Meet Lloyd Van't Hoff

We will be welcoming Lloyd Van't Hoff as guest clarinet with the Flinders Quartet at our next concert on Friday 28 February at the Concourse Chatswood. It's the first time that Lloyd has appeared for Sydney Mozart Society, and we are looking forward to hearing him  perform one of the most loved works in the clarinet repertoire, Mozart's quintet in A, K 581.


                Lloyd Vant Hoff 400 w 600 w

                                          Lloyd Van't Hoff, Photo: Keith Saunders


Lloyd came to prominence in 2015 as the ABC Symphony Australia Young Performer of the Year. He has followed his passion for chamber and orchestral music with recent appearances in concerts and at festivals in virtually every state and territory in Australia, as well as in Asia, Europe and North America. 

Lloyd is a founding member of the award-winning Arcadia Winds who were named as Musica Viva’s inaugural FutureMakers. 

Recent orchestral highlights include concerto performances with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Victoria, and appearances as guest Principal Clarinet with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Victoria  and Melbourne Chamber Orchestra.

Not only is Lloyd a dynamic and versatile musician, he's a great ambassador for music. As he explains: "I wear a number of different hats in my 'job'. Everything from performing on the Sydney Opera House stage, to explaining how the clarinet works to children in outback Australia, working with composers to bring their work to life, and bringing live music to people who wouldn’t normally have access to it. I enjoy the variety and unpredictability of everything I do, and value the power that music has to change people’s lives. I am constantly inspired by the vastly different kinds of individuals I meet, and energised by the effect that music can have on them and their communities."

After his concert for Sydney Mozart Society, Lloyd has a packed year ahead. He has a teaching residency in Hong Kong performing and conducting master classes. There are several schools tours in regional Australia, concert appearances with Arcadia Winds and with other artists. He'll also be a feature artist at the Cariole Music Festival and at the 2020 Australian Festival of Chamber Music.


                                                                                                                Charmain Boyakovsky