Thank You Australia Piano Quartet

Their programme was a beautiful balance of the joyous, the introspective and the exhilarating. The lush lyrical violin of guest member Andrew Haveron complemented the elegantly restrained style of the Quartet perfectly.

Their Mozart quartet K452 had a  a light airy sound that was ravishing. Their Mozart quartet  K478  was expressive and beautiful  with unsettled moments of introspection. Their Shumann quartet Op 47  had nuance, energy and  complexity that resolved into an exultant finale.

Thank you Australia Piano Quartet for an outstanding concert last night.

Jocelyn Roberts from Classikon came along to the concert. You can read her review on the Classikon  website.


Australia Piano Quartet

Australia Piano Quartet warming up on The Concourse Concert Hall stage


Daniel de Borah

Daniel de Borah


Andrew haveron

Andrew Haveron


                                               James Wannan 3

                                              James Wannan

 Thomas Rann 2

Thomas Rann


Easter bunnies 

 Easter Rabbits. Chocolate adds to the enjoyment of any rehearsal.


Australia Piano Quartet 2

The Quartet after the performance with their Manager Graham Pushee


                                     Photos and text: Charmain Boyakovsky